Our mission is to introduce innovative technologies
Cloud platforms for Industry 4.0
Atende Industries focuses on the development and popularization of cloud platforms for Industry 4.0, therefore actively participates in the transformation process of the industrial sector of nowadays, in particular by co-creating new, hi-tech products for an optimized electricity grid system (Smart Grid). The company was established by separation from Atende Software in 2020 in order to enable further specialization in the field.

Future power grid
Produkty Atende Industries bazują na autorskiej i rozwijanej od wielu lat technologii oraz na doświadczeniach przy pracy dla Energa-Operator, związanych z wdrażaniem największego w Polsce systemu inteligentnego opomiarowania. Wierzymy, że rodzima, rozwijana od podstaw technologia może konkurować z rozwiązaniami liderów w branży. Chcemy tworzyć innowacyjne rozwiązania, które przyczynią się do ulepszenia tego, w jaki sposób żyjemy.
Our values

we boldly create innovative, experimental technologies and hopefully look forward to the brighter future

our motivation arises from passion and is a key factor encouraging to undertake most demanding projects

the constant pursuit of self-improvement stimulates us to deepen our knowledge and acquire new skills

we appreciate individuality and inventiveness, making them the basis of an equal and rewarding cooperation

our striving to optimize the management of power grid is an evident manifestation of truly being eco-friendly
Board of Management

Paweł Pisarczyk
Software engineer and manager with over 25 years of experience in product development. Awarded the Wizjoner 2016 and the Marek Car Memorial Prizes for achievements in implementation of new, innovative technologies. Creator of the Phoenix-RTOS operating system. Philanthropist and co-founder of the Niezwyciezony Foundation.

Dominik Bocheński
Vice President
He began his career at the Warsaw University of Technology as a research and technical staff member. He graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. From the outset, he has been associated with the Atende capital group, starting as a project manager, leading teams, and eventually becoming a department director. For over 10 years, he has been involved in the development of software for the professional energy sector.

Mariusz Zabielski
Vice President
A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, with degrees in Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation, and Electronics. A manager and expert in industrial digitization, with experience at Siemens Industry Software, Mentor Graphics, ATM Systemy Informatyczne, and Oracle. Specializes in digital twin technology and digital transformation, supporting the development of innovative industrial solutions
Directors of the Departments

Marta Nowicka
Director of HR and Administration
A specialist and manager with over 15 years of experience in HR, with over 8 years in the IT industry. A psychologist by education and passion, certified ICC Coach since 2016, actively supporting the Unconquered Foundation as the Vice President of the Board.

Grzegorz Gil
Director of Research and Development
A graduate of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. He has been with the company for 10 years, starting his career as a software engineer and advancing through roles as an architect and team leader, culminating in his current position as Director of the Department. An outstanding specialist in the field of artificial intelligence.

Tomasz Piasecki
Director of the Energy Management Systems Department
He is a graduate of the Lodz University of Technology, with degrees in Computer Science and Electronics, both completed with distinction. He is an experienced specialist in telecommunications technology, management, and IT architecture. For over 15 years, he has been involved in the professional energy sector.

Cezary Rejniak
Director of the Smart Grid Solutions Department
He graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology. He has 25 years of experience in programming in high-level languages. For over 10 years, he has been developing software dedicated to Distribution System Operators, utilizing smart electricity meters.

Jarosław Węgliński
Director of the Maintenance and Quality Assurance Department
He began his professional career in 2002 as a systems engineer at companies within the Atende capital group (formerly ATM). He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology. An experienced specialist in IT systems.