A consortium consisting of Atende Industries, Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Końskie and Biuro Studiów, Projektów and Realizacji ,, ENERGOPROJEKT-KATOWICE ”SA signed an agreement with the National Center for Research and Development for the implementation of an innovative research project as part of the competition” Elektrociepłownia in the local energy system “. As part of the first stage of the competition, the Consortium will receive funding for the construction of an optimal model of a heat and power system that will provide customers with heat and electricity generated in at least 80% from renewable sources, carrying out numerical and economic analyzes for the developed model, developing algorithms for an intelligent production management system energy, and the development of a feasibility study. In the second stage of the competition, it will be possible to receive financing in the amount of PLN 41.5 million for the implementation of the project, i.e. the construction of a replicable technology demonstrator at the PEC site in Końskie.
The project developed by the Consortium envisages the modernization of a part of the heating and energy system in Końskie in such a way that heat and electricity are supplied both by renewable sources built for the project and available in the local energy community. The implementation is to provide green heat and electricity for 600 apartments, and additionally serve to activate prosumers and create a local energy market thanks to the establishment of an energy cooperative.
The aim of the project is to confirm the research hypothesis about the market feasibility of a combined heat and power system capable of supplying at least 80% energy from RES.
It is to contribute to the dissemination of renewable energy sources in the Polish heat and power industry, air and climate protection, and the development of good practices enabling the implementation of investments aimed at achieving climate neutrality by 2050, in accordance with the assumptions of the European Green Deal. The implementation is to serve as a reference installation for the energy modernization of municipalities in Poland, demonstrating its use
“We started our adventure with intelligent energy over 10 years ago by implementing a smart meter management system for the largest implementation in Poland by Energa-Operator. In recent years, we have gained real experience and developed a number of technological products for modern energy. One of them is the besmart.energy cloud platform, which is to ensure the operation of energy communities that play a very important role in the energy of the future based on distributed, green energy sources. I believe that we can make a significant contribution to the implementation of the future CHP project in Końskie, ”said Paweł Pisarczyk, President of the Management Board of Atende Industries.
“For thermal energy in cities the size of Konskie, the present day is not only threats, but also opportunities. The project prepared with partners is an attempt to use modern, intelligent technologies which, on the one hand, guarantee energy security for residents, and, on the other hand, follow very modern trends related to clean energy. And due to its size and modular nature, it can be reproduced and developed, ”said Tomasz Szatkowski, President of the Management Board of Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Końskie.
“The project announced by NCBiR fits perfectly into the adopted development strategy of Energoprojekt-Katowice, an important element of which is sustainable development and participation in energy investments aimed at achieving climate neutrality, in accordance with the assumptions of the Green Deal. As a socially responsible entity, EPK sees its role as an active participant in the process of setting directions for Poland’s energy transformation. The creation of an innovative and optimized, both technologically and economically, technology demonstrator is one of the first steps to create a standard for the modernization of the Polish heat and power industry. We are convinced that the significant funds for RES investments announced under the 2020-2027 perspective will allow us to successfully duplicate the solutions developed in many combined heat and power plants in the country, making green energy available to a wide range of users. ” said Łukasz Grela, President of the Management Board of ENERGOPROJEKT-KATOWICE.
Energoprojekt-Katowice SA is the undisputed leader on the Polish market and one of the largest design and engineering companies in Europe with an established position in the energy sector. Thanks to many years of experience and the ongoing observation of development trends, EPK offers optimal solutions in the field of electricity and heat generation. Optimization aimed at maximizing the economic effect of each project is based on the knowledge and technical competences of the EPK staff and an information base updated on an ongoing basis, taking into account the latest technical solutions, the current legal situation of the energy sector and full openness to adapting solutions to customer expectations. The result obtained in this way includes the improvement of conventional methods of generating electricity and heat and the design of new environmentally friendly sources.
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Końskie was established on January 1, 1992. The basic statutory economic activity is the production, transmission and distribution of heat in the city of Konskie. The second activity is the distribution and trade of electricity for the needs of economic entities located on the premises of the former “ZM ZAMTAL” plant and for the own needs of the Ciepłownia.