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Atende Industries in the next stage of the European IPCEI project

IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) is one of the most important projects, which supports the new economic policy and the competition policy of the European Union. The project allows for concessional financing of innovative technologies that have a strategic value for all EU countries. IPCEI’s aim is to increase global competition and innovation of the European industry especially in those sectors of the economy that are strategic for the EU.

Each year the IPCEI project focuses on one issue or concept. Atende Industries takes part in the program IPCEI-CIS (Cloud Infrastructure and Services) bringing together projects within infrastructure and cloud services of the next generation. Twelve member countries, including Poland, joined this initiative. The requirement for the submitted technologies is a high level of innovation, a positive influence on the environment and impact on the growing level of competitiveness of the entire European industry.

Atende Industries in a consortium with Phoenix Systems and Netia companies submitted a project name Phoenix-RTOS. The project concerns the further development of the operating system Phoenix-RTOS, meant for Edge-loT devices, in order to establish a so-called Cloud-Edge-loT Continuum, enabling user applications operating in an advanced ecosystem consisting of computing systems of a different level of complexity.

The role of Atende Industries in the project is the development of the data base for loT devices. Because of the popularization of the Internet of Things and recognition of the potential of Big Data analysis, American and Chinese tech giants for some time now are developing proprietary, non-relational databases, which are the base of their cloud services (e.g. Amazon Timestream). Due to the difficult to optimize limits of data in NoSQL databases present on the market accessibility and the limited functionality of available as open-source NoSQL databases, consisting of inadequate marking of measurement data and the lack of ability to scale capacity and efficiency (no ability to distribute data across many computers) Atende Industries decided to pursue their own NoSQL database build from the ground up in Poland.

TStorage is a distributed NoSQL type database. It is equipped in a very innovative system of time data type, 5 element reach of key values used for identification and localisation of data and scaling methods, due to which the database is able to store unlimited amounts of data from sensors and loT devices. The database has its applications in the Smart Grid market, IPCEI financing it will enable its expansion by functionality crucial for sectors such as smart aviation, health, e-mobility, bionics, smart farming and smart cities.

The project submitted by Atende Industries successfully completed the verification of Commision in Poland and became qualified for the last stage of elimination executed by an international commission that decides about granting financing.

“I am very proud that TStorage can become a vital European technology. Financial support of the simultaneous system development for every strategic section of the market, similar to the financing available in Silicon Valley, can significantly influence our chances for a wide presence in the global market”- says Paweł Pisarczyk, CEO of Atende Industries.